Field-Building Activities

Through field-building activities, William Julius Wilson Institute establishes standards of practice, as well as convenes, coordinates, and catalyzes leading funders, advocates, researchers, and practitioners.

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Advance a clear field narrative and galvanize support from diverse stakeholders, including funders, government actors, field actors in adjacent spaces, and the broader public.

Advocate for policy reform to enable adoption at scale, unlock government funding, and/or ensure quality standards.

Convene and connect key actors to reinforce a common identity and share information/knowledge.

Disseminate “what works” and highlight field successes.

Develop structures to institutionalize collaboration and supports.

Cultivate leaders with diverse backgrounds and perspectives to drive the work.

Discover, share, and present the latest best-practices and research on the magnitude of the problem and the effectiveness of approaches to address it.

Incubate and/or support a range of solutions to accelerate innovation and learning about “what works.”


View press and media appearances by members of the William Julius Wilson Institute team.

The Importance of Place, Jennifer Blatz & Geoffrey Canada, Stanford Innovation Review, Spring 2022

Public Engagements

Find out how the William Julius Wilson Institute team is spreading the word about place-based, cradle-to-career strategies.

Geoffrey Canada at Oakland Thrives All Hands Leadership Council Meeting, February, 2022

White Papers

Read white papers from researchers in the field of place-based, cradle-to-career work.