We are soaking up the sun here in Harlem and relishing the nice weather during our Monthly Harvests, a free farmers market for community members.
Harlem remains largely a food desert, a place where fairly-priced, quality nutritious food is often unavailable, especially to lower-income residents. As part of our efforts to encourage and educate families around healthy eating through Healthy Harlem, we host Monthly Harvest farmers markets where we distribute seasonal fruits and vegetables to children, families, and community members at no cost.
Our Monthly Harvests are held at the St. Nicholas housing project in our Zone and are open to all community members. From April to November every year we are distributing fresh produce to hundreds of our neighbors. We also provide nutrition education through cooking demonstrations where we use fresh, seasonal produce and distribute healthy recipes to show families that they too can cook healthy at home.
Thank you for supporting HCZ and all that we are doing to make our community stronger!